
Fabriclive.33 Spank Rock

“The thing is, we fuck around a lot, all the time...and I think a big part of the aesthetic of our performances and how we roll, as far as making the party, is debauchery and fun. And if something's sloppy, you kind of own that a little bit, you know? So we just sort of carried that over into the fabric mix, we thought maybe it would be good to have a little bit of humour in it. And there's some other stuff - we did a lot of recording, we made a lot of sound effects. For example, there sounds on there that sound like bombs dropping, which we made by mic'ing the sound of us picking up amplifiers and dropping them. There's little stuff in there that took a while to make, and yeah...there's some stuff in there you gotta check for. It was really fun to make.” - Spank Rock

Stop wasting your time. Buy Fabriclive.33 right away.

MP3: Fabriclive.33 Spank Rock: Let's Make Love And Listen To Death From Above (CSS)

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